Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

Misi dan Target Gerakan (Movement's Goal & Mission)

Misi dari gerakan #CarolineHero
1. Mendukung Anak-anak korban panti asuhan Samuel

2. Menciptakan kesadaran bahwa masyarakat harus berani bertindak secara nyata dan sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku agar kejadian serupa tidak terjadi lagi. 

Target dari gerakan ini adalah
1. Masyarakat ikut berpartisipasi secara aktif dalam kegiatan #CarolineHero.
Contohnya: menciptakan kesadaran masyarakat melalui kreativitas fotografi #CarolineHero sebanyak 2002.

2. Dengan campur tangan masyarakat luas dari dalam maupun luar negeri, diharapkan issue ini akhirnya mendapatkan penanggulangan yang sesuai dengan  hukum yang berlaku maupun pengawasan dari pihak pemerintah agar peristiwa serupa tidak terjadi lagi. 

OUR GOALS are to foster support for the children of the Samuel Orphanage, past and present, by letting them know that they have not been forgotten and are an invaluable part of our community. 

These orphans are courageous beyond understanding but the world they have been growing up in is very different than our own and they are uncertain of what they should do or say. 

We believe that by standing united with them and ensuring they receive the appropriate help and support that they will once again feel safe and have enough faith in society to find it within themselves to speak freely about their lives and experiences.

We must create an awareness that each of us play a role in the greater community and should never stand by idly when we witness or suspect wrongdoing.  Our absence, silence, and inaction only serve to enable and encourage wrongdoers. This is not to advocate vigilantism.  We are encouraging open discussion, reporting, and follow up.  Government institutions, NGOs, and social media are but some of the tools at our disposal but you can start with something as simple as talking with your neighbors.  Please do your part, be an active citizen, help us give a voice to those that may not be able to protect themselves.  Spread the word, speak up, and speak out for the Caroline's of the world! 

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