Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

Why #CarolineHero

Caroline lived in Samuel orphanage in Gading Serpong, Tangerang, all three months of her short life. The orphanage was run by Pentecost pastor Chemuel Watulingas and his wife Yuni Winata.

Until the last two weeks of her life, she lived in the orphanage’s old house with about 30 other children.

The house was run down and filthy. The floor had all kinds of spills—some had dried up. Vomit and urine-stained uncovered mattresses were laid on the floor. Caroline slept on one of them.

A 60-year-old woman was one of two adult caretakers. She had to feed, bathe and watch the children, as well as clean, wash and cook. 

Many of the children have scars and wounds on their bodies. Some seem to be from running around and falling, others inexplicable.

Donors came regularly, bringing food, toys and daily supplies, but Caroline and the other children hardly enjoyed them. Sometimes when Caroline was sleeping, Pastor Chemuel or a donor picked her up so they could pose for a picture with her.

One night, Caroline had a high fever. She did not get a medical care, just as most of the other kids never received any treatments for their cuts and bruises.

On February 20, 2014, just before sunrise, Caroline passed away.
No doctor was called for help or confirmation.

A teenager in the house said he saw Pastor Chemuel bit her. But no one will ever know how exactly Caroline died. Pastor Chemuel promptly buried her.

But her death prompted action and saved the other children.

Having heard about Caroline, the National Commission for Children Protection (Komnas Anak) went to visit with the police and evacuated the children. The Indonesian Commission on Child Protection (KPAI) had received reports from children who had run away from the house and decided to publicize their stories.

The children’s stories of malnutrition, physical abuse and sexual assault are now all over the news.

Chemuel Watulingas has been detained and named suspect for child neglect, abuse and molestation.

Now that Samuel Orphanage is closed and Pastor Chemuel’s case is all over the news, neighbors and donors have been coming out to testify how they had witnessed children being bit, beaten, and hosed down in the front yard for a bath.

Some said they had reported what they saw to the authorities long before Caroline was even born.  The KPAI has been looking into the orphanage since 2012, but could not find a way to uncover what was really going on.

If only the action was taken sooner, Caroline might have been saved. Let’s make sure no one else will stay quiet when they witness something wrong.

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